In-Class Write
1. One thing that I noticed while researching is that many articles made it seem like everyone in the United States of America during WWII had a prejudice against people of Japanese heritage. I can see why and how different article would be able to make this claim. World War II was one of the only wars in which the vast majority of Americans agreed it was right to enter, an idea that started majorly because of Pearl Harbor. However, in Come See the Paradise , the movie made excellent cases describing how not everyone felt the same way towards the Japanese. Though the movie had some intense imagery of white men breaking and tearing apart Japanese-American owned buildings, its main character, Jack McGurn does an excellent job at showing the other side. In the beginning of the movie, the character Jack is seen working as a fish processor. During this scene, a portion of the workers at that plant formed a union, while Jack was keeping his head down and h...