
You're Invited to the

  Meet Your Worst Enemy 


The dinner where you will face your fears by meeting your enemies and eating food you hate

1. My Dearest Franklin D. Roosevelt, you placed the order to relocate an estimated 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps located in different places in the United States. For this reason, you are invited to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with Japanese men and women who were affected by your cause.

2. My Dearest John Dewitt, you were the Lead of Defense, and you believed the civilian population needed to be taken control to prevent a repeat of Pearl Harbor. For this reason, you are invited to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with Japanese men and women who were affected by your cause.

3. My Dearest Alan Parker, as you are the director of Come See the Paradise, I invite you to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where I am sure our other guests would be curious to know why you are interested in such a field and why he decided to make a film.

4. My Dearest Jack McGurn, as you are the husband and the supporting character to Lily in the movie Come See the Paradise, I invite you to the Meet your Worst Enemy Dinner. Your character is more than just a soldier during WWII. You represent those who do not believe FDR's decision to relocate people of Japanese heritage was the correct thing to do.

5. My Dearest Lily Kawamura, you are the main character of Come See the Paradise. Your role of breaking traditional Japanese values, such as marrying a non Japanese man and not agreeing to arranged marriage, exemplifies those who attempted to stand up for their culture during the ordeal of relocations during WWII. For this reason, I invite you to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with those who harmed you and your family.

6. My Dearest Lily's Father, in my opinion, you represent the people of Japanese heritage who are not forgiving of the white men who ruined their lives, as forgiveness for the relocation was often not given. Given this, I invite you to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with those who harmed you and your family.

7. My Dearest Jack's Boss while he worked at the fishing place, even though you had no direct influence in the Japanese related events that happened in the movie. There were very remarkable parallels between your role as a boss, and the congressmen who enforced the new law to relocate Japanese citizens. For this reason, you are invited to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with Japanese men and women who were affected by your theoretical cause.

8. Anna Akhmatova, as you are the author of the poem that inspired the name of the movie Come See the Paradise.  I am sure everyone at the Meet your Worst Enemy Dinner would love to hear your inspiration for the poem why you think the director chose it as the title of the movie.


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