
Showing posts from May, 2018

In-Class Write

1. One thing that I noticed while researching is that many articles made it seem like everyone in the United States of America during WWII had a prejudice against people of Japanese heritage. I can see why and how different article would be able to make this claim. World War II was one of the only wars in which the vast majority of Americans agreed it was right to enter, an idea that started majorly because of Pearl Harbor. However, in Come See the Paradise , the movie made excellent cases describing how not everyone felt the same way towards the Japanese. Though the movie had some intense imagery of white men breaking and tearing apart Japanese-American owned buildings, its main character, Jack McGurn does an excellent job at showing the other side.       In the beginning of the movie, the character Jack is seen working as a fish processor. During this scene, a portion of the workers at that plant formed a union, while Jack was keeping his head down and h...


 The  Meet Your Worst Enemy  Dinner The dinner where you will face your fears by meeting your enemies and eating food you hate Exhibit Image from Wikipedia Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism During World War II. It is made to commemorate the experience of American citizens of Japanese ancestry who treated unfairly. I think it's important to add this because it shows that the United States acknowledges that what they did was wrong.  This is the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial Just like the previous one, I think it is important to understand the acknowledgement of the United States that they did something wrong. Picture from Wikipedia I would bring the remains of the USS Arizona , a ship that was destroyed in the attacks of Pearl Harbor. As the theme of my dinner is facing your fears, I feel that it is important to for everyone at the dinner to understand just how the ordeal of the Japanese internment...


"Meat" Your Worst Enemy Menu The dinner where you will face your fears by meeting your enemies and eating food you hate WWII Themed Food - For Japanese People Only WWII marked a big change in the food industry in the United States. People started going to super markets to get food instead of just individual stores for specific types of food. In addition, there was a lot of rationing because of the war. The foods below are some of the major foods that were rationed. APPLE BROWN BETTY Bacon Eggs Cheese Milk Japanese Internment Food Menu - For White Men Only The food in the Japanese internment camps were not very good quality food. The foods below, are some of the most common foods served in the camps. Hot Dog Spam Soggy Potatoes

Annotated Sources

“Japanese Internment Camps in the USA.” History, HistoryOnTheNet, 5 Mar. 2018,  This source provided descriptions of the locations and conditions of internment camps As well, it gave a timeline of various important events relating to Japanese internment camps Staff. “Japanese Internment Camps.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009, This source was used for a wide range of subject relating to internment camps It gave me a sense of context going through Pearl Harbor during WWII, to FDR's plan to relocate Japanese citizens and as well as some of the people involved with this decision, including John Dewitt “Anti-Japanese Sentiment in the United States.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 May 2018, I know this is a wikipedia article, but I...


You're Invited to the   Meet Your Worst Enemy   Dinner The dinner where you will face your fears by meeting your enemies and eating food you hate 1. My Dearest Franklin D. Roosevelt, you placed the order to relocate an estimated 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry to internment camps located in different places in the United States. For this reason, you are invited to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with Japanese men and women who were affected by your cause. 2. My Dearest John Dewitt, you were the Lead of Defense, and you believed the civilian population needed to be taken control to prevent a repeat of Pearl Harbor. For this reason, you are invited to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where you will sit down with Japanese men and women who were affected by your cause. 3. My Dearest Alan Parker, as you are the director of Come See the Paradise,  I invite you to the Meet Your Worst Enemy Dinner where I am sure our other guests ...