
Showing posts from January, 2018

Henry Ford

I read some interesting ideas about the early 20th century. For instance, I found an advertisement that Henry Ford, himself, drove a Ford. I'm not sure if they were being overly excited about this idea, or it was just a different time when company owners didn't really use their own products. I'm pretty sure Elon Musk drives his own Tesla. In comparison to what we have read about large business owner's they have been often portrayed as greedy. However, I also read a newspaper article discussing about the new hospital that Henry Ford was making to help his employees that were on drugs or alcohol. This could be coverups to potentially horrific acts he has performed, but, again, I am not sure. As I continued reading, I found that he pays his workers $5 a day, which translated for inflation (I looked it up online) an found that is roughly equivalent to $125 a day, which is pretty generous of him. Business must really have been doing well for him to be able to afford such hig...

Thinking About Success

Success Luck Hard Work Skill Opportunity I don't think that luck is the most important aspect of success, however, it needs to be provided so that all the proceeding are useful. In order to have success in life, it is very important to have opportunity, skill, and hard work. However, to have these aspects be useful in one's life, luck is a requirement. I believe that intelligence has very little to do with how one is raised and mostly to do with how one is born: how developed are certain part of the brains that provide problem solving, reasoning, emotional control, etc. Depending on how someone is born, one may or may not be a hard worker, or be skilled in something they really want to be skilled in. For example on may train all his life and work hard to develop a skill in running to have the opportunity win in a race, but if that person is not born with specific types of muscles (red vs. white) or muscle production, that person is never going to be able to achieve...

Smoke Signals Essay

Often times in movies, Native Americans are depicted in one way. They appear to act like a "savage", not getting along with white people, while focusing on aspects of alcoholism, poverty, and education. However, the movie Smoke Signals , sheds a light into a new area. In this movie, the characters deal with self identification as an Indian, on a reservation in the United States. On their journey to self identification in the movie , the history of unsettling Native American relationships with white settlers has caused Victor and Thomas to struggle with what it means to be a "true" Indian. However, they find strength in being Indian by preserving their culture adopted by previous generations, allowing them the strength to forgive the white settlers just as they have tried to patch relationships with Indians. Victor, more so than Thomas, dealt with finding the true meaning of being Indian throughout the movie. A father figure was symbol used repeatedly that very muc...

Smoke Signals Thesis

Thesis: On their journey to self identification in the movie Smoke Signals, the history of unsettling Native American relationships with white settlers has caused Victor and Thomas to struggle with what it means to be a "true" Indian . However, they find strength in being Indian by maintaining their culture generations adopted by previous generations , allowing them the strength to forgive the white settlers . Struggling history Stereotypes Empowering history Cultural Traditions