Henry Ford

I read some interesting ideas about the early 20th century. For instance, I found an advertisement that Henry Ford, himself, drove a Ford. I'm not sure if they were being overly excited about this idea, or it was just a different time when company owners didn't really use their own products. I'm pretty sure Elon Musk drives his own Tesla. In comparison to what we have read about large business owner's they have been often portrayed as greedy. However, I also read a newspaper article discussing about the new hospital that Henry Ford was making to help his employees that were on drugs or alcohol. This could be coverups to potentially horrific acts he has performed, but, again, I am not sure. As I continued reading, I found that he pays his workers $5 a day, which translated for inflation (I looked it up online) an found that is roughly equivalent to $125 a day, which is pretty generous of him. Business must really have been doing well for him to be able to afford such high pay of ~$10/hr.

Information discussed are found in these two articles



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