Thinking About Success
Hard Work
I don't think that luck is the most important aspect of success, however, it needs to be provided so that all the proceeding are useful. In order to have success in life, it is very important to have opportunity, skill, and hard work. However, to have these aspects be useful in one's life, luck is a requirement. I believe that intelligence has very little to do with how one is raised and mostly to do with how one is born: how developed are certain part of the brains that provide problem solving, reasoning, emotional control, etc. Depending on how someone is born, one may or may not be a hard worker, or be skilled in something they really want to be skilled in. For example on may train all his life and work hard to develop a skill in running to have the opportunity win in a race, but if that person is not born with specific types of muscles (red vs. white) or muscle production, that person is never going to be able to achieve this dream. Likewise, this application can be applied to mental activities not just physical. I ranked the rest the way I did because they all lead to one another: hard work develops skills which paves the way for opportunity.
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