Native American Music

R. Carlos Nakai with his wooden Flute

Music is a central theme in Native American culture. It is used for tradition ceremonial purposes, expression, and even for healing uses. Native American music is often associated with nature, using a combination of airy instruments like flutes and earthier instruments like drums. One of the most famous Native American flute players is R. Carlos Nakai. According to his own personal website, he is a part of the Navajo-Ute Tribe and plays the flute, being nominated for over 11 Grammy awards. After listening to his music, I can personally say that his music does follow the very traditional way of music having two of his most famous songs, entitled "Song for Morning Star" and "Inward Journey", that feature a flute solo peace. R. Carlos Nakai even uses a very traditional cedar wood flute that he uses in every song.

Perhaps one of the most unique aspects of the music of Native Americans are the vocals. The vocals take a different role in the composition in music. Rather than taking the foreground as the lead "instrument", describes the vocals in Native American music to actually be the "backbone" of the music. The irregular offkey rhythms support and embellish the other instruments. On top of this, contrary to other genres of music, there is no harmony. Vocals are sang in solo, often used to invoke spirits and provide healing to the sick. Native American music is also specific to different tribes. Just like language, the type music played in one tribe is often different than another. This is because that music is somewhat treated like language.
Cover photo for the winners of the 2009 Native American Music Awards

American Indian songs consist of poetry in structure, style, and composition. On top of healing, and rituals, music tells stories.  In this time period when the language of Native Americans is slowly dwindling, the music of Native Americans help continue the line of stories and language for future generations. These stories describe origins of music, musical instruments, and even dance. Some rituals depict that music itself is always "complete", as said by the Britannica. For example, the Shaman tribe told stories of how some many experience dreams where spirits will teach them new songs, dance, and rituals.


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