Flag Of the United States- Sachin Katyal
Flag thing The official origins of the American Flag are unknown. While the first American Flag was m ade by Betsy Ross, it is unclear who the origina l designer was. Nevert heless the first official flag was made in 1777 I found that the fla g was "evolved in response to the growth of the country it represen ts." As for the time of the possible changes this source says, " Between 1777 and 1960 Congress passed several acts that changed the shape, design and arrangement of the flag and allowed stars and stripes to be added to reflect the admission of each new state." The American flag we know of today has 13 stripes, 6 white and 7 red, and 50 stars, one for each state. It has gone through over 27 changes. the American flag uses the certain colors and shapes that it does to represent different things about America. " The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic...